Sorry, there will be no classes during Spring Break 2025.

Spring Break 2024

A canine coaching experience for children led by a professional dog trainer and educator in a home environment.

If your child can not attend the entire week, email to find out per day pricing.

Dates/Times & Costs:

Be Dog Savvy

(Ages 8+: See below for description)

March 25-28th, M-Th 9a -1p*


*Be Dog Savvy students attending Clicker Training 101 are invited to stay between classes to enjoy some low-key animal-centered activities.

Clicker Training 101

(Ages 8+: Click HERE for description)

March 25-28th, M-Th 1:30p-3p


**(Be Dog Savvy students Receive $15 Off)

Dog Walking Workshop

(Ages 10+: Click HERE for description)

March 29th, Fri 9a-3p


***(Be Dog Savvy students Receive $10 Off)

If you’d like your child to attend more than one class you must register for each class separately by checking the appropriate boxes on the registration form.

If your child can not attend the entire week, email to find out per day pricing.

Email to Register.


W. Mt. Airy, 19119

Daily activities may include walking to other locations.

Be Dog Savvy Topics:

- Learn to SPEAK dog by understanding their body language

- Dogs have FEELINGS too!  Develops empathy for our furry companions.

- How to be SAFE around dogs we know and don’t know

- Be a good FRIEND to dogs

- CARING for dogs (physically, mentally, emotionally and socially)

- Dog training FUN and games

- What do YOU want to know about dogs?

In all classes listed above children will be interacting with Brighten Up Pup approved assistance dog(s) based on their comfort level. 

Puppy socials MAY also take place during the Be Dog Savvy class time so that local puppy parents have a chance to socialize their puppies (6 months and younger) in a supervised way with children AND camp kids will have the opportunity to practice what they learn and teach puppies training games.

For more opportunities for Ages 8+, check out our Summer Camp programming, plus our Clicks & Tricks classes beginning April 2024.  You do not need to be a dog owner to participate in these programs.

For Questions & Registration email

Lisa Cruz has her PA state and FBI clearances for working with children.


Service Projects


Day Camps