Two kids with a dogs sitting on a boulder in the woods

Sorry, there are no Day Off classes currently scheduled for 2025.

Fall Classes 2023

Our world is full of dogs!

Knowing how to behave around them is a life skill!

Dates: Mon 9/25, Mon 10/9, Fri 10/27, Tues 11/7

Time: 9am-3pm 


- Learn to SPEAK dog by understanding their body language

- How to be SAFE around dogs we know and don’t know

- Be a good FRIEND to dogs

- Dog training FUN and games

Cost: $60/day/child


W. Mt. Airy, 19119

This is an outdoor class. Please have your child dress appropriately for the weather.  We will only be indoors in the case of inclement weather.  Activities may include walking to other locations. BYO lunch, snacks and water.

Children will be interacting with Brighten Up Pup approved dog(s) based on their comfort level. 

Has your child already attended Dog Savvy Kids classes?  No worries!  Life skills are not taught in a day.  Each time this class is taught the attendees contribute to the experience so there is always something new to discover, PLUS repetition improves learning and retention of knowledge. 

For Questions & Registration


For children who are AFRAID of dogs please ask about the Kids Afraid of Dogs 10-week program.

Lisa Cruz has her PA state and FBI clearances for working with children.


Spring Break Classes