Dog Safety Education
Teach children how to interact with dogs safely and respectfully.
Did you know that ALL dogs can bite? And most bites are PREVENTABLE!
Dog bites pose a serious community health risk. According to the CDC more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the U.S. and nearly 800,000 of them seek medical attention, half of which are children. Approximately 75% of these children are bitten by a dog that is familiar to them, such as the family dog or one owned by a friend or neighbor. Children under the age of 12 are the most commonly bitten.
Help lower these statistics by teaching children and adults how to better understand what our canine companions are trying to tell us by reading their body language. Participants will learn how to “hear” their whispers before they need to shout. Further reduce the heart ache by learning how to interact with them safely and respectfully by seeing things from their point of view.
Check out this video by thefamilydog,com which helps illustrate how children and dogs experience the world differently, how they feel about it and how it can go seriously wrong due to lack of understanding. Stop the 77
This programming is adjustable for age groups pre-school on up.
Don’t delay and contact us TODAY to set up a presentation at your local school, library, community group or anywhere kids go to Learn, Play & Grow. Virtual programming also available.